Jan Bowman
£1,800 for materials and lighting component costs for spatial divides.

Fiona Hutchinson
£3,000 for studio rental, materials, photography/documentation and living expenses whilst weaving piece for exhibition.

Susan Mowatt
£2,400 for studio rental and childcare for 12 weeks to weave piece for exhibition in Budapest.

Laura Thomas
£4,000 towards a computer operated loom to develop work.

Jo Barker
£2,880 to visit Wissa Wassef Tapestry School and Coptic Museum in Egypt, buy computer and materials and attend two screen printing courses.

Helen Foroughi
£2,500 for time to experiment and develop work and to buy materials.

Hillu Liebelt
£3,500 for a research trip to Japan.

Jo Barker
£1,500 as a contribution towards costs of producing a catalogue to accompany solo exhibition.

Lucy Brown
£1,000 for materials for developing a new body of work for a solo exhibition.

Jilly Edwards
£2,000 for a sabbatical to reassess creative nature of her work.

Tim Parry-Williams
£3,400 towards a 24 shaft NC Harris loom plus fittings and reeds.

Jacy Wall
£2,000 to research and develop theme of 'mending' to start new body of tapestry work.

Diedre Wood
£2,500 for purchase of materials and period of experimental development into weaving large woven circles from strips.

Jane Brunning
£1,315 to fund a sketch and stitch workshop at West Dean and provide time to weave.

Linda Green
£2,000 to 'buy time' to explore a new project on plant forms and weave a new body of work.

Shelly Goldsmith
£2,000 to fund a trip to the Guislain Museum in Ghent and provide time to weave a new body of tapestry work.

Bonnie Kirkwood
£3,000 to contribute towards the rental of a studio.

Christine Sawyer
£2,000 to 'buy time' to create a new body of work.

Louise Renae Anderson
£3,000 to contribute towards her research project in weaving and fashion.

Sara Brennan
£2,600 to provide time to develop a new body of work, materials and studio rent.

Jennie Parry
£580 to fund the purchase of a 3 level takadai.

Katie Russell
£650 to attend a weaving course and buy yarns.

Daisy Williamson
£650 to attend some weaving workshops.

Laura Adburgham
£2,000 contribution towards the purchase of a computerised dobby loom.

Louise Martin
£1,500 for a research and study trip to Iceland.

Philip Sanderson
£1,300 for studio time to develop new work.

Stacie Sheeran
£1,000 to purchase experimental yarns.

Christine Sawyer
£550 for promotional material and to attend a Touring Exhibition Group marketplace.

Julieann Worrall Hood
£1,650 for studio rent for eleven months.

Cos Ahmet
£1,275 for materials, yarn and promotional material for a new body of work.

Louise R Anderson
£3,000 contribution towards the purchase of a new loom.

Bonnie Kirkwood
£5,000 contribution towards the purchase of a new loom.

Christine Porath
£1,875 towards attending a master class in weave design.

Katherine Swales
£764 for materials and studio rent.

Louise Tucker
£500 for purchase of yarn for a research and development project exploring light and pattern.

Rezia Wahid
£1,800 for research and development, materials and yarn to delevop a new body of work.

Sally Weatherill
£2,190 for purchase of a Louet Megado mechanical dobby loom.

Alastair Duncan
£2,500 to continue the development of a body of work combining metal and barb wire and interactive audio elements within the tapestry.

Llio James
£2,700 to convert her current AVL Dobby Loom to a Compu Dobby.

Rachel Johnston
£1,000 to fund materials to develop a new body of work for exhibition.

Alison Mitchel
£3,000 to fund an interpreter to complete her research for a book on the tsumugi silk ikat industry on the small island of Kumejima off the coast of Japan.

Rita Parniczky
£1,700 to visit and receive mentoring from Sheila Hicks who is currently exhibiting at the Centre Pomdidou is Paris and help towrads studio rent.

Christine Sawyer
£500 to develop a new body of tapestry weaving based around her strong environmental interests in global warming.

Tim Parry-Williams
£1,000 towards studio rental to develop hand woven linen hand towels and to research and establish links with the linen industry in Northern Ireland.

Carol Dunbar
£4,500 for time to research and develop new work.

Seiko Kinoshita
£2,000 for a dobby loom and materials.

Heidi Lichterman
£3,750 for a three month sabbatical for research and experimentation.

Michelle McGarvey
£1,145 for research and development and documentation.

Anne Satow
£2,000 for time to reassess and develop new work.

Susan Basham
£1,500 to buy time to develop a new body of larger work and to purchase yarns.

Hana Brough
£2,500 towards rent for a new studio with space to accommodate students and potential buyers.

Jessica Cutler
£2,200 for studio rent and materials to produce a large body of work.

Daniel Harris
£2,500 towards yarn costs to help develop new work.

Holly Hopper
£2,500 to buy time to develop professional skills to support the community-based textile studio, Life and Loom.

Sue Lawty
£2,000 towards studio time to develop a new body of fine woven tapestries.

Deborah White
£1,300 for cordage and repair and cleaning of Jacquard machines towards the restoration of two early nineteenth century Jacquard linen looms.

Irene Evison
£500 towards the creation of woven tapestries through her role as artist on the expedition In the Footsteps of Matthiesson’s Snow Leopard to Nepal.

Sasha Belavokaya
£1,000 to attend a weaving course to further develop skills and to purchase yarns.

Jacob Monk
£1,500 for a ‘Kasuri Weaving Workshop’ in Sweden and equipment to finish setting up a second-hand loom.

Alan Oliver
£2,000 to research and experiment using flax and other bast fibres, with a view to creating a collection of table linens.

Pamela Print
£2,000 to attend a natural dyeing workshop and a contribution towards studio time and rent.

Hannah Robson
£2,000 towards paper making and casting workshops and a contribution towards studio rent.

Jan Shelley
£1,000 for yarns and the production of promotional materials for a new range of interior and exhibition pieces.

Sarah Ward
£2,500 for the purchase of a cone to hank winder and a contribution to time in the studio.

Dr Hannah White
£1,000 towards conversion of ideas to CAD, fabric finishing and experimentation.